Tattoo Odyssey
Journey through creative inkscapes
Numbers and letters are “P28”,There is a burning flame in the lower right corner of the number letters.
Numbers and letters are “P28”,There is a burning flame in the lower right corner of the number letters.
Numbers and letters are P28.Surrounded by oil-painting flames
Numbers and letters are P28.Surrounded by oil-painting flames
P.28,Surrounded by oil-painting flames
Create a humgry monkey
Macaco agressivo
Macaco com raiva
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Two small black crows on a man's body - one under his chest in flight, the other sitting on the side to the right below on a branch.
Two small black crows on a man's body - one under his chest in flight, the other sitting on the side to the right below on a branch.
Create a black tattoo in the Celtic style. Two small black crows on a man's body - one under his chest in flight, the other sitting on the side to the right below on a branch.
Create a black tattoo in the Celtic style. Two small black crows on a man's body - one under his chest in flight, the other sitting on the side to the right below on a branch.
Создать черную тату в кельтском стиле. Два мелких черных ворона на мужском теле - один под грудью в полете, второй сидит сбоку справа внизу на ветке.
Include letters P and M, infinite symbol and nature from Costa Rica, jaguar
Include letters P and M, infinite symbol and nature from Costa Rica,
Include letters P and M, infinite symbol and nature from Costa Rica,
Que incluya las letras P y M, simbolo de infinito y naturaleza de Guanacaste Costa Rica
Que incluya las letras P y M, simbolo de infinito y naturaleza de Guanacaste Costa Rica
Create a black tattoo on your left hand. There should be mountains, a oak forest.
Create a black tattoo on your left forearm in the dork style. There should be mountains, a oak forest.
Create a black tattoo on your left forearm in the dork style. There should be mountains, a black forest, and a troll in the depths.
Создать тату на руке в стиле дотворк. Должны быть горы, черный лес, а в глубине страшный злой тролль. Цвет черный.
Create a black tattoo on your left forearm. There should be mountains, a black forest, and a troll in the depths.